Who am I?

April 2nd, 2017
~Updated January 30th, 2019~

Greetings welcome to my site! Glad you made it!

My name is Lindsay! I am a 27-year-old currently living in Alberta Canada. There is a great song by Paul Brant about Alberta, (Alberta bound song) which basically sums up the amazing place I was born and raised. I am grateful to call Canada my home.

Although I am only 27, I believe, I have had enough experiences to last a lifetime, but that doesn’t mean I am done having new experiences. I am far from done with having adventures, so thus the idea for this site was born! By retelling some of my stories and reflections, I am better able to understand who I am, and where I am going on this crazy journey we call life.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I am here writing this now for some grand purpose, of which I am unsure right now as I write this. I have big dreams in life, and I intend to make every single one of them become a reality.

I also think very profoundly, I have really given a lot of my time in this life towards self-reflection, being alone, and being very introspective. I have gone deep into who I am, and I’m still at the surface, I realize this will be a journey for the rest of my life, and into future lifetimes, like the countless more lifetimes I will live after this one like I believe in reincarnation, of course, time doesn’t really exist the way a human perceives it, so yeah of course we eventually depending on different factors decide exactly when to come back and you plan it out before you come. See these are some of the things I think about.

I will only ever say the words, “I believe” unless I have thought long and hard about the belief. THAT, however, does not mean that my beliefs won’t change over time, I think when we see proper evidence, we are allowed to CHANGE our beliefs when it is necessary.

When we grow up, we are told what to believe, it makes choosing our own direction in life not completely our own decision, but we start basing things off of what others have told us is true and experiencing the World from a limited perspective.

I have not just believed something because someone told me that’s how it is, and I have not believed something just because its how it was in the past, so it must still be that way. I have actually gone pretty deep into some of my beliefs, and others are still fairly new and I am discovering them now, but my awareness of this itself is constantly expanding in the most beautiful ways.

I believe that life is such a marvelous gift, and we can have anything we desire! People just don’t dream anymore, they don’t think BIG anymore.

I don’t really know exactly what I am doing yet, where this blog is headed, but I really just like to write, and I have some pretty cool stories if you stick around for long enough maybe you’ll hear some of them. I also have some pretty crazy ideas for the future…

Update December 2018** I started my own company called World Dreamerz! It is right now in its infancy, just like my newest niece, who I saw tonight at Christmas eve, shes about 1 month older than my business which I started in early October 2018! It’s a coaching business that offers coaching packages, courses, e-books and more to come in 2019!

Worlddreamerzmainphoto (3)

Below are some photos of me on a few adventures! I am sure this could seem a bit egotistical to do, but this blog is also for my own benefit too, and these pictures all paint a beautiful story for me only to remember. This blog is also about me documenting my journey through life the best I can, which I feel very guided to do as I always learn so much looking back on my journey. But I also feel like it has a grander purpose, of which I do not know at this moment…

These photos were beginning in spring 2014-Spring 2017! These photos are just a small snippet of what you can do in a few years if you have the intention of personal growth in mind, I don’t think I could have accomplished nearly as much as I have if it wasn’t for my persistence to continue learning and growing even though I wasn’t in the traditional school. My desire to in life has been to gain as much life experience as I can, which has led me to new heights than I ever thought I could handle, and it’s only just starting. I have no doubt in my mind that I am in for an amazing life!

Photos from 2014-2018

These are all selfies mostly because I am alone about 95% of the time currently, I don’t mind it, I actually enjoy it.

All in all, I can genuinely say that I am genuinely really happy! Anyone who knows me knows this is true. I live a very fulfilling life and I am excited about where I am going! The future indeed looks bright! That’s my perspective on it anyways, if you disagree with that, well all I can say is I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset anyone but I do hold strong views and have been told I am stubborn and/or Strong minded on more than one occasion, just a warning if you happen to read my posts but I fully believe that we live in a friendly universe. I believe the (creator God source energy) oneness is benevolent. I believe humans are magnificent beings capable of so much more than we have been told, and we can all live wonderful lives, I choose to live with love in every moment of now, and that is why I recommend anyone who reads this to live their lives, with love, and light. With the belief that peace on Earth is destined, we live in a benevolent universe, and humans are all born MAGNIFICENT.

“The most important decision you’ll ever make is whether we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.” -Albert Einstein 

With Love and Light

What is World Dreamerz?

My Transformation Story

The Journey to Self-Discovery

Keep reading below for 2019 Update:

So what an interesting month this has been! I got to experience some pretty interesting things that I never expected. Some of which were really amazing, I had a really good month! Except for one thing that happened, which I’m not going to get in to here.

Maybe one day I will be more open to talking about what went down exactly this month, but at this point, it’s not the right time yet! I still need to reflect on it I guess, but I think what I am trying to say is I think I have finally broken free from these limiting beliefs, regarding my ability to lose weight, earn money, and a whole bunch of other subconscious blocks that I had surrounding my life.

I hadn’t even been aware of many of the things that were holding me back, but I realized that I too was holding onto too many things in my life, and I had to cut some people out of my life who were trying to keep me down, they were trying to dim my light, and I can not anymore, I have to share my light with the world.

I dealt with a lot of self-worth issues, that I actually was unaware of until quite recently when a good friend made me realize that I deserved so much more respect from others that I had been receiving. Generally, I get called crazy, or I have “whacked thinking” which I don’t really know what that means, but they are assuming they know what I think, which is the funniest thing when you see me for a few hours and think you know who I am. We tend to assume a lot about one another, and we assume that human nature as we call it, will remain the same, as will science, technology and really any other business who wants to evolve, they will do so.

This is similar to humanity as a whole, we WANT to evolve, we want to grow and become better, we Want change, we want peace, we want prosperity. And it will happen, we are currently experiencing the greatest shift in human history, and still, we want to deny its happening, simply because it’s not in our box of beliefs or its not happening on our watch, or it’s not happening quick enough an impatient one might say.

But you have to trust in Divine Timing with things like this, there is a proper moment where everything will come together, and it will be beautiful and worth the wait, I am certain on that. I’ve seen that vision many times, it’s me in the future saying, ‘its worth the wait, just be patient, it’s coming.”

I feel different in a great way like I don’t feel “me” anymore, it’s a hard thing to explain, but I always had considered Lindsay to be this shy, insecure girl who didn’t really like to do anything… But now I don’t see myself that way at all, which makes me think I used to be pretty hard on myself for being so hard on myself, and judging myself a lot, which was something I healed this month.

Now I see myself as this confident woman who isnt afraid to speak her truth when needed, I will stand up for myself when the occasion is necessary, I am a leader and I am here to change the World and help make the transition easier for humanity.

Rereading this entire blog post tonight really has made me see how far I’ve come. Life is truly breathtaking, and I love every moment of it. It’s going to certainly be a wonderful year, and I am going to grow so much!

Thank you for being part of this beautiful journey, and I have so much more to share with you all!

Here I come World! 🙂
With Love & Light

 Photos of 2019 





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