Pondering the fear of your potential…

 “The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” —Jim Rohn

I will start this post off a bit differently with a video I literally just watched, that prompted me to write this post. Its 3 minutes, but it is exactly my experience thus far on my journey, so I had to share.

Alright, now let’s move on to the post.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my fears, because after all, we all have them, and the fact of the matter is, most if not all of them, are not even real, they are just mental ideas we have decided that we should feel fear towards.

Fear is interesting because it is something we experience frequently throughout our lives, think back to a time you felt afraid, how were you feeling at that moment? Probably got sweaty, you might have started to shake a little bit, your heart started to go faster, you felt a nervousness in the pit of your stomach… Now that’s fear.

Not so bad right? Its actually the same feelings one gets as falling in love, hmmm, well now that’s interesting isn’t it? What if fear wasn’t so bad after all, and we as human beings, labeled fear as “bad” but really fear is just an emotional response that a human has to certain external events.

Say you walk into your bathroom and see a big spider seating in your sink. Your initial reaction is fear, you might scream, jump back, swear at the spider, and then wave your hands in the air because now reality is coming back to normal, and you find yourself unsure of what to do with the spider in your sink.

At this point, your heart will slow slightly, but you will stay in a different state of being until that spider is safe outside, away from you and your family. You go into this hyper-drive state of being, and your mind acts like a bullet and quickly comes up with a solution to your problem. Go get a container asap, and transport the spider several houses down the block.

So you act, you don’t wait till tomorrow or next week, you do it right away, you act in the now, and you without question, do as you planned, you get the container and get that spider out of your house.

I use this example because it recently happened to me, and this is what happened in that moment. The point of the story is to show you, that maybe fear is actually a good thing, maybe it can put you in altered states of awareness, where you become almost like a superhero…

Hear me out here, and I apologize as this post may get long, but I think this is an important idea to explore.

So, we all have our fears, and those fears are very real to us. For me I had a fear of love for as long as I can remember, I couldn’t connect on a deeper meaningful manner with anyone, and it was very hard for me, I spent pretty much 95% of my life alone at this point, and I have been okay with that, I enjoy my own company and that’s a huge positive.

My fear began when I first became aware of the concept of death at a very young age.
I was thinking about this the other day, I had always thought it was when my grandma died, that I started to develop this fear, but it was earlier than that…

I forgot about this memory, I was very young, and I am actually not going to tell it here and now because I am still myself learning from it, but it was the most fearful thing that happened to me and it was before 5 years old.

But in those intense moments, whatever it is, that is when we learn to rise up and become the person we need to be. There have been accounts of people doing “impossible” or “unimaginable” things in moments like these, look at the response at the twin towers when 9-11 happened, the volunteers that went to help, and spent many hours, even days there to help.

When we are facing fear in the face, we get this superpower that allows us to do really unimaginable things.

It’s actually stunning to really witness it for your own life, you don’t recognize yourself during those moments, and that is still just some of your full potential that you are tapping into, its just a heightened sense of awareness, and you can always expand that more.

Throughout the years I have read many books on self-help, becoming your greatest version, how to be successful, and other spiritual books that all tie it together, and the one thing that is said many times over, in all manners, is to face your fears.

When you face your fears, and begin to realize that hey, this isn’t so bad, this isn’t so scary, look if I can overcome my fear of spiders, I think anyone else can, and now if I can somehow overcome this fear I have of my own potential, which I am sure that many others have this fear as well, whether you are consciously aware of it, or not, it manifests itself in the physical reality as many different things, you might sabotage a job promotion because you aren’t ready to take that leap, or you might break up with a person that you didn’t feel “good enough” for, or you might limit your financial success because you worry about what others might think, the list can go on and on.

The point is, I think we all have tremendous potential here, every man, woman, and child, has enormous potential here on Earth, and I feel like it is part of my own mission here to help remind humanity of this, and I will be working mostly with the younger generations as they are the future, and so this topic is something I think about frequently.

Growing up, I realized at a pretty young age that our World was deeply corrupted, and I think I first started realizing this when I understood at a very young age that my mom would leave me for 8 or more hours a day to go to some other place to earn this thing called money so she could use this money to buy food, shelter and other necessities.

I was a wise young child, and I understood things quicker then I think most people realized, and I was quiet, thoughtful and observant, I watched everything around me, and I learned a lot.

My childhood was an interesting time period of my life, where a lot of my deepest fears were realized, and one of the biggest fear I had as a child was the death of my mom.

Not even the death of my self was a scarier thought than that of my mom, and I knew deep down, I knew she would die when I was still fairly young in life.

That fear, I faced when I was 20 years old when my mother passed away suddenly after major surgery. I thought she would survive, but she didn’t, and I had a lot of regrets, shame, and guilt for a very long time. I have forgiven myself now, and I know she forgives me and loves me unconditionally, now and forever always.

I guess after her death, I started to develop a fear of God or at least the higher power that I was told loved me unconditionally but also loved to torture me by taking the 3 most beloved people out of my life all before I turned 21. After my mom’s funeral, I actually turned my back on God, and walked the path alone, in the darkness, afraid & depressed, for just over 2 years.

Those days are hard to remember, but all I did was eat, play World Of Warcraft, sleep, work, eat, sleep, repeat. It really wasn’t great, but it got me through those difficult times, and it was necessary while I was going through the experience.

Now looking back, I am grateful for those days as they kept me out of harm, drugs or alcohol, or sex abuse, there are so many paths I could have gone down, and I am happy that I went down the video game path, as it actually taught me a lot of life skills that I use to this day… Everything leads you to where you are at this very moment.

All throughout my life, I have been facing my fears, one at a time, and each time I overcome a fear, I feel a newfound sense of freedom and liberation.

Most recently, I faced my fear of public speaking by getting up and sharing a bit of my story in front of 160 people, and after people came up to me and told me I was a natural, but it actually felt amazing when I was up there, I felt nows my chance! I have a few minutes to speak without someone interrupting me, and I could just share what was on my heart without worry about what they were thinking because they were a bunch of people I didn’t really know, yet… I went on to connect with a few of them afterward, which was really worth the nervousness I felt.

Now after that, public speaking was always one of my biggest fears, and now that I got the first time out of the way, I can truly start to develop that skill, as its something I personally know I will do a lot of in my future.

Which brings me to the fear that I am currently working on, which is…
The fear of my potential…

Lets break this down, because to understand this fear, we need to know what we mean by potential, so lets take an average human being that is healthy, has some money, can learn new skills, and is always improving themself, lets say she is going to live to be at least 100, and she has no desire on ever retiring, if she earns her first million by 30, her potential to become a billionaire by 50 is increased, vs if at 30 she is sleeping on her best friends couch with a few bucks to her name, eating takeout every night.

The potential is there for me to be both of these, as I have many different potentials for my life. So I guess when one has a fear of potential, they could also have a fear with making the wrong decisions, or going the wrong direction, or even falling out of alignment with who you are here to be, and we start to worry about not reaching or fulfilling what we came here to do, and our whole potential will be wasted because we didn’t act fast enough and so instead, we play it off like we don’t even know what our true potential is, because we don’t even want to try to achieve it, even though if we did try, and happened to “fail” you would still land way higher then we are currently in this moment, and that’s not too shabby!

So you see, the fear of your potential has to be faced at some point, because we don’t even know what our potential is, there is so much we can do with our lives, and yet most of us waste it just daydreaming about all the places we want to go, and the things we want to do, and the foods we want to eat, and all the people we want to meet.

I think we owe it to ourselves, we owe it to humanity and the future generations yet to come, to face our fears, overcome our challenges, and start to really ponder the idea of our human potential, and how extraordinary our lives can truly be when we start to do these very things.

Fear of (fill in the blank) is just something you or someone else made up, and now it’s in our collective programming and its time to rewrite all of it, changing it to love for all beings, and all things related to self & others, for we are all one.

Have love for you potential, feeling that thrill of excitement, the waves rush over your body as you do that thing that before you would call fear, but now you see it differently, you see it as something that can be fun, just like falling in love, facing all your fears can be fun too! I can honestly say that I enjoy facing my fears now!

This might seem crazy at first, you actively going out and conquering your fears, one at a time, but after a while, you will get this new sense of confidence about you, that will shine brighter then you can imagine, and you will be a new you!

Facing your fears will set you free and you will then be able to fly like you were intended to, without the small minds of others holding you back, you will be free and in love with everyone & everything, including yourself.

Fear doesn’t stand a chance against love, it runs the other way, so spend time in love each day, nature is great for this when you are often alone like I am! Find a deep love for yourself, for the Earth, for nature and for all the people and animals in your life.

Change your mind about what you consider fearful, for example, most of humanity is programmed to be afraid of spiders, and yet, if you actually think about it and start observing the little spiders in your day to day experience, you start to see that the spider just as it is, its scared too, and at time its just as afraid of us as we are of it, and they have no idea where they are, they just ended up in your bathroom sink, spiders get thirsty too I guess, she was just looking for a drink of water and then she would be back to her normal hideout location, but I showed up too soon and we caught each other off guard.

For all I know she could have been there for weeks, months even… But anyway, the fear was faced, I didn’t die, and now I feel like I can really face any fear, which scares me to write that out cause I just see my guides chuckling right now about how I should be careful what I ask for!

So now I face the fear of my potential, and I don’t really know what that means as of this moment, but its the one I will be working on for the next few months.

Who knows where this next year of 2020 will lead me, but I do think it’ll be pretty great! I hope that I can be of help to many people, on this journey of life that I am on.

Hope this post helps! Thank you for reading.

With Love and Light,
Lindsay @ World Dreamerz

Happy one year Anniversary to World Dreamerz!

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