Are we heading towards a peaceful Earth?

I would like to start off this post with a question to think about, and it’s not a challenging question but one we must all ask ourselves. 

The question is:

Do you believe that we are heading towards peace on Earth?
Why or why not?

This is something that I’ve written and talked about a lot, and I certainly do believe we are heading towards a peaceful Earth, however, through my experience I have encountered people who don’t. They don’t believe Earth will be peaceful, and if it is its not in their lifetime, so why think about it?

These people always surprise me, and sometimes I even get into debates about it, but the fact of the matter is, Peace on Earth is possible, and it won’t take nearly as long as some think it will. The World is changing quicker than we presently can imagine, and we most certainly will see Peace on Earth, in a rather short amount of time.

Right now, we are already experiencing the most peaceful time in recorded history, which isnt that hard to achieve considering our most recent past was filled with wars, starvation, disease, and poverty. Yes, yes those things are certainly still present today, however, something else has changed in relation to these things.

That is our consciousness.

Human consciousness is something that science, and in general the human being still has very little understanding to what it is, but we are starting to become more consciously aware, and with that, we are no longer accepting these terrible scenarios to take place.

We are now taking a stand for what we know is right, and that doesn’t involve going to wars, killing other human beings because we don’t agree with each other, and letting other humans and animals suffer.

The year 2018 we saw more people go vegan than the years in the past, and 2019 will be absolutely no different. We are starting to act like grownups now, instead of the children we were in the past.

There is far more maturity and understanding now, and we are feeling more compassionate and loving towards each other, and with this awakening of our very consciousness, we will not go to war anymore. They won’t find enough people to participate, so it just won’t happen.

There is another thing that goes along with a peaceful world, and that has to do with our terribly broken financial system. This will change, and they already have a plan for it, where everyone will get what they need to live happy sustainable lives.

A universal basic income will naturally be implemented giving all humans on Earth a basic income to live off.

Won’t this make everyone become lazy bums and not work anymore?”

No, not at all. I don’t believe human beings want to be lazy, we want to create, and build, and we do want to work, it’s just that in the past we were forced to go to work to make a living, to pay for our bills, accommodation, food, and taxes. We were enslaved to the monetary system, without even realizing it.

But if we all get a basic income, where our basic needs are met, we will be able to actually do the things that we love, not just to earn a paycheck, but because we genuinely enjoy doing what we do. I thought about this a lot when I was creating my ideal life, knowing that one day I wouldn’t have to work for money, what would I truly want to do, and that is where my business- came from. I wanted to help people become extraordinary and live the life of their dreams. I don’t do it for the money, but because I absolutely LOVE what I do. I teach others how to live great lives, without seeking or being dependent on money.

When the financial system collapses eventually, my business won’t be affected in ways that others will. It will remain, and while everyone else is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, I will be stable and calm, and I will be able to help others during that confusing time.

Some don’t believe peace on earth is possible, and they certainly don’t believe that the financial world is going to radically change over the years ahead, and all I would say to that is why not?

Why would one choose to believe the corruption will remain, especially when we already know how powerful our thoughts & beliefs are in creating our realities and if one goes around talking about how bad the world is, and how its never going to get better, then they really aren’t helping to bring this sooner. They are actually preventing it, although, at this point, the snowball is rolling and can’t be stopped.

I spread peace and abundance for all. I spread love & compassion, and I talk about this a lot to almost everyone I know because that’s how strongly I believe we will one day reach peace on Earth. To me, this is honestly common sense, and we have no idea what’s in store for us yet, but I guess if one only watches the news, then they would have a really hard time believing that peace is coming.

I have a strong awareness of what is going on, behind the scenes, and I see the big picture of what is really going on here. This is bigger than we think, MUCH BIGGER.

But the World is changing, very quickly and by the year 2027, it will be unrecognizable to the way it is today in 2019. Don’t believe me? Just wait, you’ll see.

Life extension, Anti-aging, free energy, universal basic income, sustainable living, these will all skyrocket in the next few years as they have already started taking off. There are so many good things to look forward to, so why stay skeptical and critical of the World?

Let us not judge our past behavior, but rather have the understanding that we are still a very young species, who was left alone and made a big mess, and now we are realizing the mess we made, and figuring out ways to clean it up.

It won’t take that long, yes it will be work, but like I said, humans want to work, we want to help, we want to make an impact and there are millions, possibly even billions of wonderful people out there who are spreading awareness, helping clean this beautiful World up, and helping others.

Human beings are good, we are made to love and be loved, we weren’t created to go to war and kill each other, this is barbaric as fuck, and we are past those days. Don’t believe me? Turn off your news, and seek alternative sources. The information is out there, for you to go find. It’s really not that complicated, so let’s not make it that way.

This doesn’t have to be a pie in the sky, fairy tale type of idea… It really is not only possible, but it’s already happening, and if you don’t believe this, again I would ask, Why not?

Look at your beliefs about the world, and figure out where you even got them from. Most likely our beliefs about the World are formed when we are young children, and we hear what the adults have to say about the way they perceive reality, which isnt necessarily true, it’s just true for them, but our childminds absorb this information, whether it’s true or not.

But like many great minds have said, our beliefs about the way the world works were made up from people who are no smarter than you. SO look at what you believe and ask yourself why you believe these things.

The lamest thing I have ever heard for someone to believe something was  “because of science.” 

Nothing else, just science. I’m like okay? DO you realize that science is very elementary still? The scientists currently perceive very little compared to what is really going on here, but they too are starting to realize the interconnectedness of all beings, in the entire universe…

They have a long way to go, and all I am saying here is instead of believing in something just because science told you that it is this way, do your own research and open your mind to the possibilities.

Peace is inevitable, its happening already, I see signs of it everywhere I turn. I bet you can’t prove me wrong.. Hahaha!

That’s all for now, thanks for reading.

With Love and Light
Lindsay @ World Dreamerz

I will leave you with this video from one of my favorite place to learn right now- Mindvalley because they teach things that are directly related to my mission here, consciousness, age reversal, abundance mindset and more.

But see even politics is going to change drastically over the years ahead!

Marianne Williamson on How to Bring Consciousness to Politics



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