Happy one year Anniversary to World Dreamerz!

In October 2018 World Dreamerz was created by Lindsay Wasut

It’s now been one year, so I wanted to write a post & create a video to celebrate our one year Birthday!


One year ago, I embarked on the journey of a lifetime, and that was creating my very own business! Its certainly been a wild ride, and I am so grateful for the experience it has been, and all the growth I have experienced this past year…

One year is a decent amount of time, and it has allowed me to lay out the foundation of what will be a lifelong journey for me, and this really is only just the beginning of something truly epic! Its honestly growing beyond what I had originally expected, but when I think about it, I really didn’t know what to expect.

As human beings, we expect things to happen, it’s our expectations & intentions that seemingly create our realities. What we expect to happen, is generally what happens.

If we expect to be in financial lack because of what we experienced in the past, then that is generally what will continue, at least until we start to change what we expect.

Expectations for great, benevolent things is where I create everything from. I expect to succeed and to have an incredible life, and I expect to be successful in my business.

When we go after our dreams in life, it’s like the universe gets fully on board with helping you achieve that, and will bring into your life the right people that you need at the perfect time. So the question I have is what are you wanting to create for your life? What is your dream?

Really think about this, because often we don’t actually know what it is we want, we certainly know what we don’t want, but to actually have the courage to decide what it is we want is a whole other story. I love to ask people what their dream in life is because more often than not, people don’t know, and this gives me an opportunity to show them some incredible possibilities for their lives that they may have never even considered.

So as I move forward with World Dreamerz, there will be many exciting things coming, including more online courses, some epic coaching packages, retreats all around the world, transformational living experience, and if that’s not enough, then just wait, because I get new brilliant ideas each and every day, so watch out World, here I come!

Thank you for following this journey that I am on, and I look forward to connecting with you personally, and helping you create the life of your dreams!

With Love and Light,
Lindsay @ World Dreamerz 

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